33 days of no complaints

Friday, February 11, 2022

33 out of 40 days. Yes, I had to complain these past 33 days. One of the issues was directed at a person who could do something about my concern. I appreciated, praised, and encouraged. I raised my concerns. I learned there is a difference between fruit and unfruitful complaints. 

I’m learning that even when we make fruitful complaints, it does not mean that a person will act on my behalf. I believe it is more blessed to please God than to get my way. I believe we all have the ABILITY to grow in gratefulness. Here is what I mean: 

Always start with thanks • I am learning that starting with saying "thanks" opens the heart in a Godly way. We leave our negative feelings behind and we open ourselves to all the goodness God has graciously given us. 

Believe God’s truth • I can't find a better thing to do than to believe God's truth. First, it is eternal. It is established and it is for our good. 

Initiate gratitude practices • I can't wait for gratitude to start from another. I have to take the first step. If life was a dance, gratitude needs to be the first step. It allows for greater love and understanding to arise. 

Learn a new vocabulary • When you stop complaining, you need a new vocabulary. You and I can grow to use a new vocab filled with words that go well with gratitude. Move beyond "thank you" and "I appreciate you." Find specific ways to show with words that you are a grateful human being. 

Immerse yourself in the Bible • There is no lasting change outside of the word of God. I must immerse myself in it. When I do, God's words become my words. God's ways, my ways. 

Treat yourself to rest • A restless body is not inclined to be grateful. The body complaints and often, the answer is rest. I'm allowing myself to rest because I know that my decision-making muscles get stronger. 

Yes, do it all over again • There will be reasons to complain. Life is full of them. For each time we encounter reasons to complain, we can start with thanks and go down the list. I hope you grow in gratitude. 

You definitely have the ability to do so my friend!

• More on my 40 days of No Complaints Challenge