How to make progress towards your goals

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

There are 16 weeks until the end of the year. 115 days to be exact. This is plenty of time to make progress towards your goals.  How do you find inspiration to go on, no matter what happened thus far in 2021? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Look ahead. Remember that time you got in your car to drive somewhere but you kept looking at the rearview mirror? You don't, correct? If you proceed to do what I described, you will cause an accident. You can't make progress towards your goals while looking back at your past. I know. 2020 was a difficult year. If you must look back, take time to learn from your hardships. Once you do, make peace with what was and press on to what's ahead. Every time I see my kids distracted while walking, I tell them "pay attention to where you are going." I believe you and I can use the same warning. Look ahead. There's more and you can rise stronger.

2. Defined steps. Each goal requires a next step. When I wrote my 2021 goals, I decided to write down the steps required to achieve them. One of my goals for the year was to redesign my blog. The required step was to find a design I liked. The next step was to buy that design. Once I bought the design, the next step was to install that design. After these three steps, my goal was accomplished. I still have some goals in progress. I am writing a book. My next step today is to schedule 45 minutes to simply write. Each step will get me to my goal of completing the book. Define your steps my friend. What is your next step?

3. Reliable accountability. Let's face it, it is difficult to show up day and after day and do what needs to be done to achieve your goals. You get tired. Things go wrong. You have a bad day, a bad week. Because we were made for community, reliable accountability is the answer. The right accountability group can help you be accountable for your ability. It is not about having someone call you at 6 am to remind you to work out. It is having friends who will walk with you and remind you to develop your potential. The next question I often get is, where do I find these people? They are doing what you want to do. If you want to run, they are part of your town's running group. When I wanted to study the Bible, my accountability partners were members of my community's Bible Study. When I decided to lose weight, I found accountability with WW. I encourage you to find someone to account for your ability to reach your goal.