The Mothers who Raised Me

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The mother who birthed me is the mother who took care of me. 

My mother holding me as an infant
My father holding my sister

The mother who birthed me wasn't an island. 
She counted on the help of other mothers.
They were grand in the best and most excellent sense of the word. 
These mothers also raised me. 

My maternal grandmother.

My paternal grandmother holding my cousin.
I'm to her left, my sister to the right.

These grandmothers raised me with strength in the midst of hardship. 
They gave me the best of them and in them. 
They had many grandchildren yet they made us each feel so special and wanted.
They instilled in us great faith, boldness, and devotion to God. 
They passed on a great sense of purpose of serving God and others. 
They walked their talk and we gladly followed their steps.
These mothers prayed out loud. They blessed with the future in mind.
They knew who their God was and they trusted Him with all of us kids. 

The mothers who raised me had no time for competing with others. 
Life was challenging as it was.
Most of their energy went to loving God and loving us. 
I'm incredibly grateful for the choices they made.

The mothers who raised me were fierce, fearless, and well respected in the community.
Every time I walked into neighborhoods with my grandmothers
The atmosphere of heaven walked in at the same time. 
There was peace, joy, honor, and a great expectation that God was near. 

I haven't seen that a lot since. I hope to be that kind of person.
When I walk somewhere, because of the presence of God, 
an entire atmosphere shifts.  

June of 2012 when I was blessed to become
a mother of three world changers.

The mothers who raised me are virtuous beyond measure. 
Even in their imperfection, Christ shines bright.
That's the mother I hope to be. 
Beauty truly is vain because it fades.
A Godly character makes an eternal impact. 
May I always fear the Lord as the mothers who raised me did. 

Happy Mothers Day friends.