MWLISS: WW Virtual Workshops

Thursday, April 16, 2020

I decided to start the year by enrolling in workshops with WW. I grew accustomed to seeing the same faces. Quickly, workshops became my happy place. No matter how busy I was, I made time to either attend or go in to weigh in. I said goodbye to everyone the week before Spring Break and when I came back from my trip, the world was different and workshop canceled in-person meetings.

I have been impressed with how pro-active WW has been with communications. We quickly received a few emails telling us what to do. We were to continue to use their App (Connect) to get connected during this time. We already had the option to belong to different groups and now, we were also connected by area (which is so incredibly nice). Each area offers different workshops you can attend virtually. These meetings are truly private and not recorded so what happens in the workshop stays in the workshop.

The first time I attended a virtual workshop, it was not weird. I missed seeing the faces of my leader and the participants. It was such a joyful reunion. I found the virtual workshop experience to be great. I received a lot of good information that I quickly applied to my life. The topics are very relevant for the stressful days we are living. I truly received tools to successfully take care of my health.

I have been losing weight during this time. It was a goal of mine but I don't recommend it. I usually do well during trips, holidays and unusual times. Most people would either manage what they have or try not to gain that much. I decided to reach my goal this year and I thought that losing weight and reaching my goal was a good thing for me.

I'm not sure how long we will have our current restrictions. I do know that I can invest in my health while I wait.

I am still taking small steps instead of making huge leaps to reach my goal. I am tracking, exercising and having fun with food.

We are cooking and eating at home more than we eat out. My husband has done a great job grilling. I am baking our desserts once a week. I am also cooking with the kids quite a bit.

If I could summarize my experience this season, I'd say it is: do what you can with what you have. My goal for next week is to continue to take small steps until I reach my goal. 

WW start weight: 175 lbs
First Goal: 150 lbs
Second Goal: 146 lbs
Third Goal: 136 lbs

• Fear
• Daily Choices