Trust the Magic of New Beginnings

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I love new beginnings. I enjoy starting a brand new journal. I enjoy having new office supplies at the start of a new class.

I loved the beginning of our family. Marrying Zeke almost 14 years ago was filled with all the things a real marriage needed: God's blessing, commitment for one another and real love. I enjoyed the start of each new life who became our responsibility as parents.

I enjoy the beginning of the long-distance running season. The warm embrace of friends coming together again to do something few people choose to diligently do.

I enjoy the start of each day. The sun unapologetically shines. The birds sing only their best songs. Creation shows us their exuberance, a reflection of a magnificent Creator.

New beginnings are amazing. According to the Bible, there is something even better than beginnings: the end.

"The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." 
Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NIV) 

A lot of hard work and dedication goes into starting a new year.

You are establishing new habits. You are trying to change life patterns that pretty much became your norm. Can we honestly say, this is quite tiring?

I'm here to encourage you to keep on keeping on. Do not give up because the end is going to be better than the beginning.

Whether you are at the end of a marathon training season or at the end of a life stage. God is in the business of blessing those who are patient.

Patience is better than pride. Hold on and do not let go of perseverance. Keep taking small steps towards your goal.

The end will be better than the beginning my friend. You have patience and God, who loves you, is on your side.

Trust the magic of new beginnings. God, who began a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. He knows the end from the beginning. You can trust His brilliant plan for your life this year.