
Thursday, December 12, 2019

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” Isaiah‬ ‭9:2‬ (‭NIV‬)‬

What's up my people? I hope you are doing well! My husband and I enjoyed a little time away in New York City recently. We decided to stay in Union City, New Jersey and we went through a tunnel every day on our way back and to Manhattan.

I love tunnels. We have a few in Rio. I always loved the sensation of getting to the end of them. I think it is mostly because of the light. When you see the light, you know you're at the end of the tunnel.

The view we enjoyed at the end of the tunnel in Rio was pretty spectacular. In New York, it was just nice to know I was where I was supposed to be.

This season of Christmas, my family and I are reading a lot of the scriptures related to the birth of Jesus. Isaiah 9 is one of my favorite ones.

If you give some thought, the people of Israel at the time of Jesus' birth were going through major darkness. It felt like they were inside of a tunnel. As the prophecies were being fulfilled, the light did come. People saw a great light. The light is Jesus.

I never take for granted that some of you might be walking in darkness. Life can be tough. Circumstances, unforgiving towards us human beings. Listen, Jesus is still the light.

The same God who loved the world so much that He sent Jesus, cares for you. He sees your tears. He sees you there, unable to move due to depression. Don't be afraid; Jesus is still the light.

He will light up your darkness. He is ever wonderful. I encourage you to bask in His wonder.

A year ago, my family and I had no clue that God would call us from our community of 8 years into our new assignment. Despite any difficulties we've faced as a family, we kept walking. We kept believing. We kept serving God. I remember clearly telling God "my life is for your service." No matter what season I walk in, I keep looking towards God.

This Christmas, I am still praying about some difficult things. I have no doubt God can handle my every plea. He's the Light and He is ever shinning in my soul.

I pray that this season, despite of how you feel, can be filled with Hope.

I want to share a few songs with those who are especially heavy of heart today. They're not Christmas songs but they all speak about Jesus being the Light. Have a Light-filled day my friend!

The Light - Ricky Dillard and New G
He's Still the Light - Ricky Dillard and New G
Jesus is the Light - Hezekiah Walker