Reading 25 books in one Year

Friday, June 7, 2019

I have a busy schedule. Yet, I wanted to dedicate more time for reading. How in the world can I stop everything I do to read? Audio books! I decided to adhere to Zig Ziglar's advice and attend automobile university. At one point it was bus university!

I listen to audiobooks during my commute. Listening to books gives me much needed encouragement through the knowledge I gain. My goal is to read (or listen to) 25 books this year. I am working on number 19 right now. Here are a few highlights: 

Boundaries - I tried to read this book in paper form (the book is still sitting my bookshelf as I type!) but I couldn't do it. I find out that audio is the best way to get through books I find difficult to read. I loved this book. It helped me be certain of changes I need to make. Because of my health goal for the year, I am actively working on internal boundaries. 

Raising Giant Killers - I'm a fan of the Johnson family. I have listened to their preaching for years and I could really tell they are dedicated to their family. This book gave me a deeper dive into their theory. I was encouraged to be very intentional about my Christian parenting.

Rising Above a Toxic Workplace - One thing most people don’t teach you in college (or grad school) is that toxic people are everywhere, even in the workplace. Dr. Gary Chapman came to an event at our church and spoke about his book so I thought, I should read it. I gained a lot of knowledge, tools and compassion. I’ll read it again. I recommend this book to anyone who knows someone in a toxic workplace or who is going through this issue themselves. There is hope. Things can and will be better. I know this from first-hand experience.

Love and Respect - I read this 13 years ago and I will read it again. This book is very insightful. I didn't realize how much training I need in respect. I felt empowered to be the best wife I can be. I also felt I have a lot of work to do in this area.

Rooted - This book was a balm to my weary soul. I won't go into details of my longing but I will tell you that I understood how God can develop us in different seasons.

Poverty, Riches and Wealth - I listen to Kris Vallotton's podcasts so this book was a great way to understand his message in a deeper way. I enjoyed this book very much. If you don't know who he is, you might enjoy listening to his podcasts. He's not a money guy, he actually speaks about a wide range of topics. They all lead the listener to freedom through Jesus Christ.

The Tech-Wise Family - this is one of the most important books for parents. I highly recommend it to all my friends who are struggling with the balance of technology and living unplugged. I am going to read this book again this summer so I can fine-tune my current technology policy. Andy speaks as a parent. His daughter writes the intro to do the book which was very impressive to me. The book makes a great case for his theory. It is encouraging to read about a family who succeeded in this area.

Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes -this was not an audio book but I loved it. I am fascinated with the world of the Bible. I am guilty of forgetting that the setting of the stories I love was Middle Eastern. This book really explains the culture behind the stories we love to read. I think you will love Jesus and his earthly background more after you read this one. If you teach the Bible to anyone inside or outside of your house, this is a must read.

Race Everything - Bart proves he is indeed the Mayor of Running with this fantastic book. I learned a lot. {The only way of being a good runner is to run.} 🏃🏾‍♀️#Yassomyheart!

Little Fires Everywhere - I read Celeste Ng’s first book and I listened to this one. She’s a good writer and I appreciate how she envelopes her Asian American reality in her writing. This is a rarity for me. It is almost impossible to find me reading fiction.

God, where are you? - I read a lot of books by John and Lisa Bevere. This one is full of wisdom for my current situation. I needed the reminder that the wilderness can be a transformative place.

The Power of Habit - I tried to read this book a few years ago. Listening to it works better for me. I truly enjoyed this book and I applied what I learned in my own life. I am dedicated to make good habits because I want to become a better person. If you are decided to change an area of your life (nutrition, fitness, work habits...), read this book first.

168 hours: you have more time than you think - If you want to engage in better time management, this is the book for you. It is so well written that I couldn't wait to get on the bus to listen to this book. I was a little sad when it was over. The writer is very real and skillful in giving you many options on how to make the most out of such a finite gift.

The magic of Tiny business - I enjoyed this book because the author gave me a first-hand testimonial of what it means to run a tiny business. I enjoyed the details on how she makes it work for her.

Simply Tuesday - I've been listening to Emily P. Freeman's podcast for a while. I never thought I'd read her books (because, time) but once I decided to listen to them, she was naturally included in my list. Emily narrates her own book and she dives deep into what it means to live today to the max. It is a book as lovely as she is.

"Goals," "Master Successful Habits," and "Master your Goals" - I save all Zig Ziglar books and resources for when I need major encouragement. Apparently, I needed it quite a bit and I'm glad these audio books got me through the pit. These books are not meant to make me feel good. They challenge me to get a different perspective, raise my faith and get to work.

Creating Community - I learned quite a bit from this book. I'm very curious about the structure of different organizations. I'm also interested in how they connect people effectively. If you lead a group, you will enjoy the ideas taught in this book.

Communicating for a Change - I am a communicator who is always looking forward to improving my skill. I've heard of this book for years so I was thrilled to finally listen to it. I enjoy Andy's way of communicating because it is so effective. I will use the things I learned in this book this Fall while leading my running group.

• What are your reading goals for the year? What is a book I need to add to my list?

More on this Series:
Reading 25 books in One year Part 2