What I learned this Winter

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

In the morning, as the kids and I are on the way to school we pray. I find myself thanking God for the weather. Winter can be the most hated season of the year (except for its fabulous holidays). I am forcing myself to remember that God, in His brilliant wisdom, gave us winter for our good. I decided to summarize what I learned in quotes I shared on social media.

"You can't change what you tolerate."
• I learned not to tolerate behaviors that only I could change this winter. Oh it was painful. I believe there is so much good on the other side of obedience and surrender. 

"The quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits."
• I took a deep dive in my study of habits. I read about habits, thought about them and changed. I decided to focus on effective habits instead of good and bad ones. I don't want to be a habits geek, I want the results of having effective habits. 

"God specializes in making the impossible possible."

• I am thankful for God's goodness towards me. I faced challenges this winter. Only by God's help I overcame those challenges. My takeaway? Pray and believe God. 

"Never suppress a kind word."
• There is much good in speaking kind words. I don't do it to be popular or to write about it here on the blog. I do it because my Heavenly Father is kind and I need to be like Him. God is an encourager and people out there are thirsty for encouraging words. 

"It is not difficult to recognize one who has spent extended time at a newsstand: his conversation overflows with the drama of current news. And it is not hard to discern a person who has come from a sporting event, as his face reveals the outcome of the game. Likewise, others can tell when an individual has spent extended time seeking God. An imperturbable calm guards their heart, and their countenance is radiant with the morning dew of Heaven." —I Will Be Found by You, Francis Frangipane
I repost this quote year after year. I am the person who wants to spend extended time seeking God. I need that imperturbable calm to guard my heart. I started this process by working on lowering the time I spend browsing mindlessly. I continued this process by focusing on spending more time in spiritual discipline. I have much improvement to do. I can't afford not to seek God while He can be found. 

The winter was a tough season for me but I am glad you cannot stop Spring from coming. 

What did you learn this Winter?

More in this series:
• What I learned this Summer
• What I learned this Spring
What I learned this Fall