You can't change what you tolerate

Sunday, January 13, 2019

January is a great month.
It starts with the promise of a brand new year.
A year filled with expectation and hope.
Then, my birthday hits.
I feel blessed to celebrate one more year of life.
God is the giver of life, so my aim is to thank God.

January is also the month when I achieve one of my biggest fitness goals.
I get to run a long distance race.
Because running long distance is such a big goal,
I decided my new year starts after I cross the finish line of the marathon.

Once that happens, I celebrate, rest and recover from the miles.
I quickly start conquering the goals I set for myself.

I enjoy listening to teachers who encourage me to be the best I can be.
One such person is the late Dr. Myles Munroe.
I ran into this quote of his:

"You can't change what you tolerate."

I wonder what I am tolerating. Instead of turning external with this tolerating thing, I decided to focus on my inner life.

It's easy to point externally when it comes to the things we are tolerating.
The challenge is to see the things we are tolerating in our inner world.

I made a mental list:


If I tolerate it, I can't change it.

What are you tolerating in your inner life? How can you change it this year?