What is the life you created for yourself, intentionally?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I love podcasts. I love them so much, I produce and host two podcasts. One day, while I was listening to one of my favorites, the host asked the guest: “what is the life you created for yourself, intentionally?”

I didn’t want to forget about that question once the podcast was over. That question hunted and taunted me. Why? This question pointed its bony finger at me, reminded me that here on earth, I get to vote on what type of life I live. I do it on purpose daily.  Let’s break this question down in two parts and take a deep dive.
Part 1: What is the life you created for yourself? 

God gave you life. Your family, gave you nurture. Once you became of age, you took all you’ve been taught and created a life for yourself. You learned that the only constant thing in life is change. Changing you did. You matured, you overcame barriers. You got to nurture people yourself. This is how you got where you are. 

The life you are living is not scripted, perfect or predictable. Still, you are living it every day. Over the years, you developed creative powers of your own. You created your habits. You created routines and structures for your living. 

I know the unexpected came your way. I know it nearly floored you. But you got up and you kept going. Your new normal is the life you created. 

So what is this life you created for yourself? Are you a puppet or a hero? I am here to tell you you are nobody's puppet. You are the hero of your own story and look, someone else is looking for you to show you to the way. They want you to be the hero too. 

Part 2: Intentionally. 

Let’s cut to the chase, the only way you can be the hero in your life is intentionally. It takes no effort to be a puppet. There isn’t a shortage of people whispering you their agenda. They are everywhere. They’re probably dinging your phone right now with their endless alerts. As you mindlessly answer, your own life alerts become faint. Wake up and be the hero. 

The hero is intentional. I believe it is because of their mission. It is true that without vision, people perish. What is your mission? Where is the vision you have for your life? It is time to pick it up. 

Before we start talking endlessly about morning and beauty routines, we need to reflect on what we are doing with the life we created for ourselves, intentionally. 

If you are feeling convicted about the life you built, it is because of the Hope you have in your heart. Hope will not let you give up on the life God wants you to have. He wants abundance of life for you. He wants you to live life to the full, until it overflows. 

You need to be intentional about it. There’s no gimmick, no gurus to lead you. You need to decided. Will you be a puppet or will you be a hero?

So tell me, what is the life you created for yourself, intentionally?