Summer Activities for a Large Group of Kids

Thursday, June 14, 2018

This summer we have 7 kids total hanging out with us. Some are my kids, others nieces and nephews. It’s been a joy and a privilege to have such influence. Also, we have a lot of help. I keep thinking about my friends who have more kids than I do and parent their kids with so much gusto all the time (fist bump). I don't have an extra large family all the time so here's what I'm learning:

We love VBS - and we appreciate those who volunteer each year. I volunteered every since we started taking the kids. Actually, when I was a teen, I helped my mom with VBS. We believe in children’s ministry and we are thankful to everyone who serves. My husband is serving this year, which has been awesome.

We do everything together - I realized a few years ago that doing everything together works well for larger groups of kids. Sometimes we divide and conquer but most of the time, we are on the same schedule. Speaking of that…

We follow a summer schedule - we’ve done that for years and this time is no different. We have a little flexibility on weekends but our summer schedule is a wonder. I also made a summer calendar so the kids can see when we have special dates such as birthdays or special outings.

Swimming is our friend - we’re so blessed with a variety of community pools in our area. We have swimmers and non-swimmers in our camp. We found a pool that works for everyone. If that wasn’t an option, we’d hit the splash pad.

Being bored is legal - I keep the TV and screens off a lot. It took a little adaptation but once everyone saw that being bored was the norm, their imagination kicked in. I gave everyone a notebook and a pen for writing or drawing. The kids have come up with talent shows, stories, games and even songs. Being bored is great for the mind.

I hope you are having a fun summer with your camp. I hope to inspire you to make some great memories with your kids.