Revisiting your Goals for the Year

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

It’s that time of year again, time to revisit our January goals. I will be honest and tell you that the only time it hurst to revisit my goals is when I’m not making progress. I've learned to ignore such feelings and to press on towards achievement. 

In December of last year, I set realistic Faith, Family, Fitness and Business goals. I also added a category called "Other." 

I added 3 items to each category. My faith goals is to teach a Bible class on a regular basis. If I do that, it might have to be online because I am yet to see any opportunities around me. 

My Family goal is to be screen-free while I’m interacting with family. I am doing well and I hope to continue. 

My Fitness goal includes weight loss. If I don't do anything else (which I will), I am losing all extra weight. I'm on track to reach this goal by the holiday season. 

My business goals are quite wild. One is to write a manuscript for my first official book. The other one is to start a profitable side-gig that will help me travel more often. The book part I can handle. I started working on a manuscript, I just need to dedicate writing time to it. The side-gig goal has been a mystery to me. I listen to multiple podcast on how to start a side-gig. I have a consulting gig but thus far, I’ve only had one client in 2018. It may be time to advertise more.

Back to you and your goals. If you haven't made a lot of progress, don't worry about what was. What’s to come will be better. 

Start from where you are and take small but decisive steps towards your goal. If you aim for nothing you will hit it. So aim for a greater you. The world around you will benefit from you reaching your goals.