Career Change

Monday, February 12, 2018

This week I have been blessed to start a new job. God had definitely been good to me by opening this door. I’ll be leaving the church world and entering the higher education world. I’m thankful for every opportunity God has given me and I am eager to get started. 

I have learned that with every new opportunity there new things to balance as a wife and mother. I think the number one thing I have been asked is, “what are you going to do with the kids?” I’m thankful to God for a supportive husband who helps me adapt to every new professional and educational opportunity in my life. I find that it is wiser to rely on faith instead of fear when changing careers and adapting to such opportunities. 

I pray about everything and God always blesses us with what we need. A year ago when I had the opportunity to go back to college, God provided us with help once a week so I could attend my Bible college class. It took a huge step of faith each week but God provided everything we needed. I think back to that experience and I know God is able to do it again. Truthfully, every fear I have can be combated with focusing on the God I serve and relying on my husband and friends for support. Support is something I need in every season of life and this next one won’t be different. 

It does take a village and I won’t pretend I do everything myself. I have a friend who comes and helps me with deep house cleaning. I will also have an assistant to help me for a few hours. I like the word assistant because the friends who help me are brilliant and they do assist me in making life flow well. Fear was something that was ever before me until I decided to step out in faith. I thought, if God is calling me to a new season, who am I to shrink back? I’m looking forward to this new season knowing that no matter what, my husband and I are the greatest influence our children will ever have. 

No matter how much help we have, we are the ones who spend most time with our kids and we are the ones with the responsibility for their well-being. I realize my need for God’s guidance when I think about that. I also realize the great reward our kids are and how I long to be a good steward of their souls. I find that no matter where God is taking, I rely on Him to keep my priorities straight. God is always first. Family is a priority. Health is a priority. I appreciate your prayers as I embark in this exciting new season. To God be all the thanksgiving for all He has done!