It's been 11 and a half years. If feels brand new still. What does it take to do what I promised Zeke I'd do?
Our North Carolina summer wedding reception in 2006. |
Well, reading. I recently gave a newly wed friend three books that highly influenced the beginning of my marriage. They are, Making Marriage Work, His Needs Her Needs and Love and Respect. The most influential book that still influences my marriage is the Bible. The Bible really does influence my spirit as well as my conduct.
Our Mississippi 'blessing of our marriage' in 2006. |
Christian Counseling is what it takes. We go when we can't solve an issue on our own. It is humbling but totally worth it. Once we moved to Texas I had to get over being embarrassed by what people were going to think. I had to rely on my friends to keep my kids while I went to counseling. My pride and self-preservation went out the window. My marriage was more important than what others might think (by the way, my friends were and are super supportive and non-judgmental).
It takes prayer. I took on the responsibility of praying for my marriage and family. This is something I will always do. When I pray, I invite the Maker of the universe into any situation I am facing. When I pray, I surrender to His plan for me, which is always good.
What does it take? It takes remembering that family was God's idea. It takes remembering to look at His original plan and following His rules.
It takes humility. I often have to admit that I am wrong and I have to wholeheartedly accept truth that leads to growth in my character.
The past 11 and a half years are built on our daily decision to love, forgive and enjoy the gift of God in our lives.Have you ever asked yourself, "what does it take?"
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