Goals: going minimalist

Monday, November 27, 2017

While it is not to late to accomplish my 2017 goals (oh the hopeful soul I am), it is time to start thinking about our 2018 goals. 
I'm the person who causes a great laugh because she writes down big goals with the belief that she can somehow accomplish them. I'm not the person who makes a vision board. I don't like to get glue on my fingers and I don't want to clean up after cutting little images from a magazine. I'm not a craft person but I am a words person, so I've been sticking with writing down my goals for the year. 
I have followed a pretty precise goal setting formula for the past 5 years or so. I have decided I'm going minimalist for 2018. 
My reason? Less is more. While I believe in the power of my detailed vision, I also know by experience that it is hard to accomplish e-very-thing I want to accomplish in one year. I am focusing on what's important. 

My God is important. I'm slowing learning that it is smart to make room for Him in my life. I can give more time so I can know Him big time. 
My health is important. I can't give what I don't have. Health guarantees that I can do all that God has called me to do more efficiently. I had a talk with a mentor a few years ago and I have been convicted to make some adjustments in life so that my health can increase thus my efficiency through Christ. Rusting out for the Lord is really what I want to do.
My family is important. I'm getting used to the fact that if I have to choose between an activity and my family, the choice has already been made. Family always comes first. 
My dreams are important. I have been down long enough to know that every time my soul or body has been bruised, my dreams remain intact. Dreams are God-given. Dreams are God-enabled and I appreciate this part of my existence. 
My words are important. My words are not for everyone. Let's be honest: there's a writer out there for every eye. I also know God has assigned many pairs of eyes to my words. I want to focus on my words. I want to make them flow out of the much that God has given me. I will lift them above criticism and discouragement. My words are not for everyone but they are for someone. 

Friend, I don't know if you are a words person or an images person. Maybe you are both. I want to encourage you to put your vision for 2018 down before the clock strikes midnight on January 1. Writing your goals (or gluing your images on  a vision board) signifies that you are open for the growth and opportunities of the approaching new year. Remember that less is more if the less is going to make a big impact in your life. Remember that God gave you everything you need or He's about to do it on the go. 

Let's think about our goals for we all can grow.