New things to fill your day with Inspiration!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hey friends, happy day to you!
I'm hoping to be the biggest loser. Follow me on Youtube!
I wanted to tell you that if you want to hear from me more often, I’ve been recording 7-minute Live Audio messages on Facebook. Just follow my Facebook Page and be inspired! The topics will always encourage you to reach your goals because you have what it takes!

I’m back on Youtube! I’m recording weekly videos about my weight loss journey. I love Youtube, I’ve been there since 2009. I am enjoying being back and I want to ask you to subscribe if you haven’t yet. I’d love to see you there.

On the Instagram front, my Insta-stories are pretty entertaining. I show my #glamlife there more than in any other platform. Follow me if you are there!

My goal, no matter where I am, is to spread hope, one social media platform at a time. Connect with me and let’s live a life filled with hope! Have a great day my friend!