The best of Facebook

Friday, April 24, 2015

This week I was blessed to have so many fun experiences with family and friends! One of the posts I really enjoyed from this week came from my sermon notes from church. 
It's amazing how our perception is key to what we receive. I've been applying this in small and big things this week and it's been quite freeing. I believe that the more my perception is invaded with God's Word, the better my outcome will be. 

Today I am using 2 Timothy as my anchor Scripture at MOPS. I'm amazed at how quickly this year went by. I am even more amazed and how God uses this group to bless, refine and encourage me. Please pray for me this morning as I share these words of life. I love MOPS because it really helps me to be rooted in my community. I am thankful for this amazing group of brave mothers of preschoolers. 

Houston, Texas is beautiful. I was so honored to be a chaperone to my son's first field trip in Kindergarten. There is so much about this trip I am treasuring in my heart. I am praying that as the kids continue to grow we can be there to enjoy the fun stuff with them. The last time we went to the zoo was around 4 years ago so my son doesn't really remember it. I'm thinking he'll probably remember this trip. I also really enjoy talking to Kindergartners. You ask one question and they fill your heart with wonder and joy. Jesus loves children and so do I! 

Have an amazing weekend my friend. Be sure to keep your perception of what's going on around you in a Godly place.