The Open Book of 2015

Monday, December 15, 2014

I wish I could tell you my family history. I grow increasingly embarrassed as our last name is recognized (for other brilliant, distant and famous family members we may never meet). After all, we’ve all watched African American lives where the illustrious get to trace their history to the shores of their Mother Land. Other than the occasional question, no one is interested in helping me find out exactly what my family tree looks like – no, not for free.

Last week, years of frustration came to an end when a Godly thought came to me. The thought, which brought me a lot peace, was one of simply realizing that absolutely nothing could be done about my past. The only thing God has given me is today for the past belongs to Him.

I found a lot of peace from the uneasiness I carried for years. This does not mean that I won’t accept Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr’s family history ambush if it ever happens. It does mean that I will stop looking at the unknown past and I will start looking to the great things God has prepared for me.

“Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19

It takes bravery to stop being bothered about what happened in the past. No matter how sweet or harsh, the only thing that can be done is to accept it and to move on.
When it comes to Goals and Dreams for 2014, I am a believer that the book is about to be closed and we need to look ahead towards 2015.
I accept the fact that 2014 wasn’t perfect. I agree with the fact that through the ups and downs God was there teaching me incredible lessons. What I can’t afford to do is to look at 2014 with great regret. This act of regression takes away the strength needed to move toward dominating an unscripted 2015.

There’s an open book ahead of you and I and it’s called 2015. I want to challenge you to ask God to help you close the book of regret so that you can totally focus on the new thing He is doing.