"... through love serve one another." Galatians 5:13
It is not by chance that I am "parked" in Scriptures on serving. Today we finished our second week of Vacation Bible School. This is our second year to participate as a family and it has been a blessing. I chose to volunteer daily and I learned even more about what God has been showing me lately on the subject of serving.
Last day of VBS for the summer! |
Both weeks had the same theme which was great because the kids had a chance to get the message about God's unconditional love deeper in their little hearts.
we love Vacation Bible School! |
Other than serving in my particular areas, I took the time to pray and encourage the leadership of VBS. Leading a huge amount of people is no joke and I appreciate those who serve in leadership.
It dawned on me that I used to see my mother serving faithfully in VBS and I hope my kids have the same memory of me. Learning about the Holy Bible since childhood is a big deal for us. I will do all I can to support that foundation in my kids' lives. The study and application of the Bible has changed my life and I want my kids to have the same experience.
Our home church hasn't had VBS since we joined them so we have been attending VBS in our neighborhood as well as at my friends' church. I miss my friends from MOPS so seeing everyone again felt like a huge party.
I applaud women who not only take their kids to VBS but who also study the Bible during the summer. The knowledge of Scriptures is so fundamental for it changes every area of life. It is so good to see moms who are not only making sure their kids are educated but they are doing the extra effort of studying themselves.
I thank God for giving me strength to complete 2 weeks of VBS back to back. I appreciate my friends who prayed for and with me during this time as well. Our study of the Bible will continue throughout our lives but VBS certainly has a special spot in our family's heart!
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