Long days, short years is how the preschool years are wisely described. My oldest son has around 1,826 days in his pocket.
My sweet kids at 3 months |
I write with thanksgiving because living is great. I am thankful that God has gifted us all with abundant life in order to live what we've been given.
That moment with the youngest speaks through her eyes. |
I'd be wealthier if I got money for every time someone told me "it goes by fast." My issue is with the spirit behind the statement. I don't entertain the spirit of fear so although I agree with the truth of this statement, I choose to live my life with power, love and a sound mind.
Strolling through town. Baby is in the '7th sleep' |
As I look around me I see a lot of champion moms (such as mine) who have done what I am doing before. I'm sure my parents will agree that my preschool years went by really fast, especially cause they were
baby bunching like
Mothers Day 2013 |
My older sister and I are are 11 months apart and everyone else came around 2 years from each other. We grew up in a full, happy house filled with noise, music and the word of God.
My parents and us in 1980 Brasil. |
I am aware that my kids will have a unique childhood of their own and I pray that one day they can look back as far as they can remember and see all the love we put into every day.
Com Rexona sempre cabe mais um :) |
I'm a person of prayer so I have been praying about my kids' future for a while. I am believing God that they will choose Him and His word as guidance for life.
Mothers Day 2014. Funny faces are in yall. |
At the end of the day, I was never in control of these 1,826 days of life but I serve a God who was and who will always be. Instead of dreading the quickness of these years I am choosing to have a thanksgiving party filled with joy and great expectations of a future of hope.
Instead of entertaining dread, fear and negativity, I am choosing thanksgiving, joy and celebration. Yeah it goes by fast so the more reason to throw a party.
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