Flashlights on Facebook

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My husband often reminds me of my lateness in joining Facebook. I honestly didn't have time back in 2007-ish. I also wanted to 'be different' but ended up joining once I became a stay at home mother. Now that I'm there, I have seen all the stuff that made me hesitant to join and more. What keeps me there is the fact that I love being connected with people from all over the world and I also get a small platform to talk about the things I believe.
I believe that if I'm going to be on Facebook, I need to be sure that I can make someone have a little more hope, a little more joy after they read (or watch) what I post. Jesus said in John 8:12 that whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life (John 8:12).
This morning I ran in the dark (or should I say pitch black) for 1 hour. What an unpleasant thing to do! Of course I was prepared and I had the biggest flashlight known to mankind with me. It felt safe to have that light because I could see where I was going. I haven't been part of the sport for long but I know that runners need to be visible for safety and security. At 7 a.m. I noticed it was rapidly getting lighter and I no longer needed my huge flashlight.
I see myself holding a flashlight when I'm navigating through social media. I'm aware that according to Matthew 5 I am the light of the world. I am commanded to let my light shine before others so they see my good deeds and glorify my Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
As I use social media, I know it's not really about me but whatever I do serves the purpose of glorifying my Father in Heaven. There's no reason for others to fear me as some kind of online bully because that won't bring any glory to God. Instead, I choose to always encourage, always uplift. I believe that brings glory to God.
I always hope and pray that my behavior online mirrors the way I life off-line. I want to be an encourager, I aim to bring hope one post at a time.
My challenge for you today is to analyze your online activity. Are you acting like the light you are? Are you glorifying your Father in Heaven? The good news is that we all (starting with me) have room for improvement. Let's spend the rest of this year focused on showing others how amazing our Father in Heaven is in word and deed.
LifenotesEncouragement said...

please be safe as you run; and thanks for this reminder of being a light in this dark world.

Cintia Listenbee said...

I am! My pleasure!

Mario Henriques said...

Muito show minha irmã em Cristo! Eu e minha esposa trabalhamos com adolescentes e tem sido nossa luta diária, encucar na cabeça deles a importância de sermos luz também quando estamos online. Caso esteja de acordo, publicarei sua postagem em meu blog:
em português. Deus continue a te abençoar.
Mario Henriques.