Blog Elevated 2013 my Recap

Monday, September 23, 2013

I had the honor of attending my best Blog Conference yet: Blog Elevated last weekend. I want to thank God for the amazing people who made my attendance possible. I thank you for your generosity, love and belief in me. May God bless you abundantly for all you've done for me! Here are some of the amazing people who spoke at the conference:
Rae Hoffman gave us some great information on SEO. I really liked the fact that she was down to earth on and off the stage. She's really transparent and passionate about her business and family. 
SEO Madness with Rae
I didn't stay very long but I had a chance to see some of the models from the Blogger Fashion show. The food was super delicious too!
Blogger Fashion Show & Dinner
I didn't get any Likes on Facebook for this but this quote really resonated with me. It's quite empowering!
I loved this quote!
Karen Walrond was so lovely to take a question from me during the break. I appreciate her wisdom as well as Mr. Frederick Goodall's on preparing for speeches. 
Karen of Chookoolonks is very kind
This is a photo of me after my 10-miler with my running group (post with details later this week).
I sneaked in a 10-miler before the Saturday morning session
I learned a whole LOT from Erik Tung's workshop. I'm looking forward to some time alone so I can apply all the great things I learned about making Social Media work for my blog. Exciting!
I learned so much in the social media session!
This is a photo of my Tofu salad before Jenny Ingram's workshop started.
I missed Friday lunch so I got tofu salad at Ruggles Green
She taught us on YouTube. I learned I have A LOT of homework to do on my channel! I found Jenny to be really friendly, open and real. I also loved the fact that I have the same sandals as the ones she's wearing on this picture. 
Got my YouTube skills sharped by Jenn
Katie Laird talked about working with Brands. I heard she had knee surgery recently and she stood and presented like a champ for 45 minutes! She added her own flavor to the presentation which was so refreshing. 
Very good knowlege on working with Brands
Holly Homer was amazing! She brought a lot of energy and information to the Google Plus breakout session. Again, I have a lot of homework to do and I have started on it!
G+ and I are friends and I learned how to become even friendlier
Stacy Teet is my new favorite person. She talked to me the first night of the conference when I had no idea she was a presenter and she had no clue who I was. I love her heart to make friends for friendship's sake. She taught the Pinterest session and I was so blessed with so much amazing information! I'm applying her advice to my account. Follow me on Pinterest if you haven't already please.
I learned so much from this awesome friend on Pinterest!
I really had a great time at Blog Elevated. I will always remember the people I met but more than that, I will remember that the hear to the organizers was so evident in every little detail. Congrats to organizers Lisa and Bobbie and thank you for making this amazing conference happen!
Isn't she lovely? I loved meeting Jenny Ingram!
Also read:
jaime said...

So fun! This is making me really excited about attending Type-A later this week!! :)

Cintia Listenbee said...

Enjoy Type-A Con! It was my first conference 3 years ago and I loved it!

Lisa Henley Jones said...

It was great to meet you this weekend at the conference. Love the way you recapped it with so many pictures!

Rachel said...

Stacy is truly one of the most knowledgeable and down to earth people that I know!

Love that pic of you and Jenny. She's an absolute darling <3

Independentmami said...

I can't believe you snuck a 10 MILER in. I stayed late everyday and had no energy left. I am still recovering.

Zanymomintx said...

I'm so glad we got to meet and I love your photos! Hope our paths cross again soon, by the way you're going to give Fred an ego boost by calling him "Mr." LOL

Cintia Listenbee said...

Thanks for the sweet comments friends! I'll be keeping up with yall online and hope to see you in person again!

Ellen said...

Awesome post! So sad we did not meet in person! Soon I hope.

Cintia Listenbee said...

yes! Hope to meet you next time!