Exercise: 4 must Haves

Friday, January 4, 2013

If your New Year resolution is to exercise more, you are not alone. I found my local gym to be filled with new people who want to be fit in this new year. I joined them as well and I am glad I did!
Here are my tips for making exercise a greater part of your daily life:
Have a plan - Be specific with your resolution to exercise in the new year. When you say I want to exercise more, what exactly do you mean? Put it down in miles you want to walk per week or the number of days of the week you want to exercise. Have a plan and be specific about it. Precision qualifies you for success.   
Have a reward - what drives you to complete a task? A non-food reward can be a great encouragement to complete your exercise plan. Whether you get new exercise gear or an hour of reading your favorite magazine, a reward is a great partner in guaranteeing your success in fitness.  
Have a Forgiving heart - you are not a machine. You can't possibly expect perfection out of yourself when it comes to exercising. We all have bad weeks, we all experience business or other barriers in life. The frustration you experience when being 'less than perfect' is an issue will drive you away from your goal. Expect imperfection. Give your best and see real results out of your real life.
Have Accountability -  automatic encouragement, coaching and motivation is what you gain when you ensure accountability in exercising. Whether you pay for it or enlist a "frainer" (a friend who is a trainer), being accountable to someone will give you yet another layer of support. Being accountable to someone is always a great idea. I also suggest that you offer yourself as accountability and encouragement to someone else. 
I pray that 2013 is the year when you learn to incorporate fitness in your life because of the great benefits it has and not out of guilt. I hope these tips will help you succeed in your goal. Have a healthy weekend and year!
Rebeca said...

I say I want to exercise more every year, but I never thought about having a plan.
Great tip!

Thx Cintia!


Drie Silva said...

I thought about making an exercise plan for 2013... lets see if I really will get skinnier this year..kkk..It's hard to manage body, family and mind..but I did it ones I'm sure I can do it again...I can't wait to see your workout result pics Cintia..Btw I'm following you so I don't miss out the next posts..