How to Save Money on Family Photos

Monday, October 1, 2012

The simple answer is: take them yourself with a little help from a friend of course. This is how we've managed to get photos of ourselves: 

• When we got married we asked family and friends to get the photos. We have amazing memories of our special wedding day.
• We took this photo for Zeke's job. I asked a friend to get some extra photos of us after the photo shoot was finished.

• We went to an Easter egg hunt and asked friends to get photos of us and we got photos of their family.

• During our daughter's birthday celebration we got several photos of our family. It is smart to take advantage of birthdays or other family gatherings to take family photos.

• We haven't always had the best cameras ever, so we just make sure the light is good and we go from there.
QUESTION • What are your tips for saving money in family photos?
Nicole@Rare Bird said...

All of these are great suggestions! We have also had a lot of luck with using budding photographers wanting to build their portfolios. We have had some GREAT pics taken by friends or "friends of friends" we found on social media or through word of mouth who have done ours for free and we've paid them back through referring them to other people. The pictures are wonderful of your beautiful family!!!