Thank you Internet!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hello from Baby/Toddler heaven! I have been taking some serious education courses on the Internet and learning some great things. I've been known to take from foreign language courses to cooking classes online so I wanted to share a few neat things I've been learning in between diaper changes, feedings and potty training. Enjoy! (click the image for links)

I buy these often, it is an easy and tasty recipe!
This really works. I usually use nail polish remover but this tip really makes it easy and beautiful.

This is my version of this Simple Every Day Up Do. Watch the Video

Last but not least, I've been convinced that I can make bows like a pro. This is the easiest tutorial ever. I'll be saving lots of money by making bows for my little girls.
What's the coolest thing you learned how to make through online tutorials? Leave me a link!