After the birth of my third child and I find myself faced with the same challenges I’ve seen before: how to recover from surgery, feeding issues and how to deal with difficult people.
This week I was encouraged to answer a question I asked many times to my mentees: What is the Character of God Concerning your Current Challenge? I gained a whole new perspective and renewed trust when I pushed myself to answer this simple question.
Dear Reader, have you ever thought about the character of God? If you don’t quite know what I mean, here’s an example:
Let’s say you are offended with someone. God asks us to forgive as He is forgiving towards us: that’s His character.
I am certain that the challenges that come our way are meant to make us grow and mature. As I attach Godly purpose to my everyday challenges I find hope to be more than a conqueror in all things.
I hope that you can get in the habit of asking yourself this simple question.
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