You: the S.M.A.R.T. Mentor

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Remember that Mentor who held your hand and guided you through a challenging season in life? You can do the same to someone else. Here are some tips on how to do it in a "s.m.a.r.t." way:

Simplify • it doesn't have to be a fancy ordeal. Mentoring can happen during the simplest settings and situations. Remember the the Mentor/Mentee relationship is about transfer of knowledge.
Manageability • Let me guess something about you: you are busy. Be sure to be a great manager of your time. The time you spend with your mentee will cost you something but be sure to be the master of your schedule.
Ability • Know what your expertise is and be confident in it. You are well able to be a great Mentor. Everything about you was planned by God so that you could effectively help someone else. Cultivate confidence because it shows in your mentoring of others.
Receiver • A good Mentee has a great capacity to receive from you. This person will absorb your knowledge as a dry sponge absorbs water. At the end of your time together you will feel a transfer of knowledge happened and your time was well spent.
Time • Be wise and know when your mentoring time is up. Everyone graduates, or at least they should. You might have a mentee for short period of time or for a lengthy time. It's crucial to know the signs of your time. Here are a few questions worth asking yourself: Has growth occurred? Is this person ready for something more that I can't give them? Is this person still able to receive from me?

My hope is that we are giving and receiving as Mentors, Mentees and Peers. I wonder if you have used the S.M.A.R.T. principle with your Mentees and what type of results you got.

Other Posts in the Series:
• Turning Frustration into Gratification
• Organization

The 5 Ws and the H of Great Mentors
Other Leadership Posts:
• Leadership Dysfunction: Just Eat the Casserole!