
Friday, September 2, 2011

Life can provide isolating experiences at time, such as when you move to a new place. There are so many possibilities but you’re not quite there yet. Well, I am totally talking about myself.
Fisgard Lighthouse (HDR)
I am feeling quite isolated lately. My entire support system stayed in North Carolina. The thought and reality of it almost wrecked me last week. Yesterday was a pretty difficult day as well, although I prayed a little, went for a walk and listened to Zig Ziglar. I was supposed to be pumped and over the top but I wasn’t. I proceeded to the Toddler Story Time at the public library when I saw a missed called from a friend from NC. She prayed with and for me and it changed my whole being. Story time was fantastic – that also helped my day. I saw my mentor had left me a message on FB so I called her and I was further encouraged. She said, Cintia, you are a good friend and you will find good friends. She also reminded me of Proverbs 18:24 (a man that hath friends must shew himself friendly), which gave me hope. The week I got here I saw a friend I had not seen in 10 years and I recently talked to my BFF from Middle School. Both are in Brazil but both remind me that I am a good friend. The isolation we often suffer erase some of the goodness that’s in us. I think God has ways to show us we are better than we give ourselves credit. I am going to dare to say that now that I am going through this experience I know exactly what newcomers feel and what they need. I have a new level of compassion for them. I am also a firm believer that friendships can’t be forced. I believe (just like my friend prayed for me yesterday) that I will find likeminded friends. If I keep showing myself friendly, the friends will come. Instead of entertaining the bad feelings that come with isolation, I keep thinking about what do I want to give in a friendship. I often think about what I want from a friend but yesterday I realized I am to invest in my friends, I am to give and make a difference in their lives.
If you are feeling isolated for some reason today, please know that I totally understand. Let’s try to focus showing ourselves friendly and also being wide-open to the amazing friends we’ll meet soon or later.
* Originally Posted at Mom Perspective, the blog where I talk Motherhood exclusively.
LifenotesEncouragement said...

This is so true - i experienced this isolation when I first moved to the west coast 4 years ago...the hardest thing about moving was losing the community of friends that had become a bedrock.
it is true what the bible says - he who hath friends must show himself friendly, so i pray that God would lead me to the right people and i try to be friendly all the time with no ulterior motive. sometimes i think this may appear as desperation to others looking on, but sometimes i gain a true friend, but most times i don't, but i keep trying.
i'll keep you in my prayers. i know you'll find good friends eventually - God's promises are true!

Amanda said...

Little Big Friend, Deus abençoa muito os missionários. Ele não vai te deixar na mão. Ele só está preparando as pessoas especiais que vc encontrará por aí. Sei que não deve ser fácil, mas é justamente nesses momentos que a gente se aproxima mais DEle. E lembra que as verdadeiras amizades duram pra sempre. Grande beijo, estou orando por aqui. Ore pela gente também!