Lactation Help Not Needed

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hey friends, all is good in baby land! The weather has been awesome so LP and I have been outside a great deal. He stops to listen to birds, touches the grass and I try to stop him from putting everything in his mouth. The joys of learning!
My doctor's visit went well. I go in every few weeks. Now they have interns in the clinic too. I usually don't mind them being there if they stand with confidence. I was introduced to the same intern twice (?) and the second time they asked if I minded her being there. It would be odd if I said 'no, I don't like her.' I'm all for education, it's just odd when the intern looks scared for some reason. My suggestion? At least put a smile on your face, we're all about life in the OBGYN office. 
Okay, so I must tell you my worse case scenario intern story. I had been asking for the lactation consultant for days and the nurse didn't see the need to call her. She decided to teach the intern how to coach me on breastfeeding - and it gets worse. When I least expected, there were 5 hands guiding my chest while my infant was trying to latch. All I can say is... next time I'll know better. It was annoying then but funny now :)
I walk around smiling and saying how happy I am to be pregnant. It is a blessing and I don't take it for granted. I know I'll get bigger and the weather will get hotter but I have a little girl I am looking forward to see, love and feed (with no extra help LOL).
Have a great Easter everyone!
flavia said...


Que barrigão lindo!!! Pensar que foi ontem a grande notícia e hoje vejo que já está quase por chegar. Obrigado pela sua visita que o Senhor lhe brinde grandes alegrias e Vitórias e que maior presente há de celebrarmos a Vitória do Senhor Jesus que não mediu sacrifícios para entregar-se por amor à nós, sofreu, padeceu e ao terceiro dia ressuscitou, venceu a morte, onde ficou o seu poder ("morte") e hoje temos o presente maior de Deus a Graça da Salvação e sabemos que se o Senhor Jesus estaria disposto a passar por tudo isso novamente, tão somente por amor. Beijos no seu coração!!!

Victoria said...

You look great! I know you are excited to meet your little girl!