I'm extremely happy today! I am just thankful for all the things God has done for me. He is my source of strength and happiness. As David said, all of my sources come from You. Just thought I start by giving God the glory and the praise.
I have compiled a few photos of my pregnancy months so far. Look at month 2. I thought I was huge then LOL. I was trying to show something :) My pregnancy has been very happy. I'm believing God for a great pregnancy til the end. Keep praying for me. We're almost down to 60 days til the projected day of birth. Of course he might want to come earlier and I'm okay with whatever date He's supposed to come. Last night Zeke was amazed at how you can see where he's 'stationed.' For some reason he likes my right side. At least his bottom does (LOL!). Where's still playing 'guess the body part' game but as he grows we'll be able to know what's where for sure. For now we ask the doctor during our visits. Baby still has lots of room to swim - or whatever it is he does inside of mama - that will change as the weeks go by.
We cancelled our gym membership. I know, we have a great reason! There's an awesome fitness challenge incentive in our county that allows you to work out in almost every gym around for only $10. The challenge lasts 2 months. Once that runs out, I will be recovering from labor and getting used to being a new mom. Once the doctor tells me it's okay to get my all during workouts, we'll get a (cheaper) membership than our previous one. I loved my gym. The facilities are great, the staff was great, the classes were great and the perks were great (such as discount on consultations with the health educator, etc). It's a new time in my life so we're gonna change our membership and probably get something cheaper and closer to home. I just need somewhere to burn some steam and get in shape for motherhood as well as the next 5K (yep, we gotta run somewhere in 2009).
So, what am I going to do in these frigid temps??? Number one, wait til it gets warmer than 40 degrees to get to walking. By the weekend it will be much warmer. I need to do some squats at home and just walk more around the office during the day :)
I bought some strawberries the other day so this morning I had a nice smothie for breakfast: strawberries, banana, fat free milk and one tablespoon of flax seed. You can't touch that breakfast! It was delicous and not it's gone, it's snack time people so I'll blog more another day. Have a lovely day!
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