I'm 30 weeks pregnant today! According to my countdown, I have 70 days to go. I hardly ever compare myself with others (what's the use?) and I try my best not to read too much about every side effect possible that comes with the world of pregnancy. I thought that instead of telling me the standard things that happen in most pregnancies, I'd tell you what's happening with unique me.
At week 3o:
* I still have energy. I've been pacing it, especially in days I know I will really need (to work over the weekend for example);
* I have all intentions to clean more but with a full-time job, church activities, doctor's appointments, child birth classes, etc, it's hard to find time for deep cleaning. No nesting going on around here :)
* I'm starting to think more and more of the end. I am reading a bit more about newborns and caring for them. We went through an excellent class last night. I changed dolls (I won't do it on someone else's baby. My theory is that I won't do it til I have to. Just being real), saw what real newborns look like, heard about sleeping arrangements and bonding. We also met one of the pediatricians in town. I feel empowered.
* My 'mom away from mom' hooked me up this week. She took me to the store and told me to pick out an outfit so I can wear in the hospital after the baby is born. I felt so special. I believe God placed her into my life for such time as this. My family will most likely not be here for the birth and etc, so having her with me is a special thing God arranged. I am so thankful!
* I'm walking 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. I have to do more moving through the day. Being still makes me stiff and we don't want that. Yesterday was a gorgeous day, I walked outside of my job, broke it down in two sessions of 15 minutes. Just felt great! Breaking workouts in smaller amounts of time makes me feel great lately. I can do more that way.
* I've been tempted to have a bad attitude about different things. I don't want to blame it on hormones or pregnancy alone. There are some things that are just wrong (especially when you feel convicted to repent and apologize to people) and I'm fighting pride to make it right. Pray for me people.
* I have been through some side effects pregnancy brings. I'm still not compelled to complain and tell everyone about every single thing I feel. Sometimes it feels overwhelming but you know what I know? It comes and goes. When it's all over it will be worth it all because I get to see a healthy, blessed, beautiful son who will change the way I do life. Wow. Can't wait to see that in practice.
In other news, we have a doctor's appointment today. We get to see my regular doctor, I'm always glad when we get him in the rotation. I still like everyone else as well. God has blessed us with a great practice. I should pray for them daily (so many people who help me and I should pray for them more often!). It's just a regular visit but I will probably come up with several questions for him, we'll see.
The baby shower is on. I get the invitations (I designed postcards) today. I went on and sent some online to friends who are far, far away or people I just want to keep informed of what's happening to us. I'm sure most of my old friends won't come. It's still nice to share the good news. We also decided to do a couple's shower. I really wanted Zeke to be there. He's been a part of everything in this pregnancy and I want him to be honored as well. I think that will be fun.
We're supposed to go to the movies with a group of friends tonight, I'm looking forward to that but first, let's get our work day going, shall we?
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