So, thanksgiving is in two days. I get to cook a Thanksgiving dinner for the first time. We have a menu planned and 98% of the ingredients are already at the house. Isn't that exciting??
These preparations make me wonder what makes Thanksgiving the holiday that it should be. We believe it's about being continuously thankful to God for all of His blessings. We believe it's about connecting with family and friends. It's also about having fun eating stuff you don't get to eat all year such as dressing and cranberry sauce.
Last week I worked out only twice. This week I want to double that number. I checkout the holiday schedule and yes, the gym where I workout will be open for a couple of hours Thanksgiving day. Isn't that awesome? Elliptical, here I come!As you probably
noticed, I got some new photos of me on the blog. I try to get 'belly' photos once a month. Once a week would be a little too much, I think. Don't worry, I will NOT post a photo of my belly unless I have a shirt on. I'm proud of my belly, I just don't do the belly photo stuff like other moms. That's the joy of pregnancy, you get to make your own choices (big smile).I'll probably take a day off to cook this week. Some of my recipes require overnight prep. I feel less pressure when I have things done ahead of time as well. I will let you know what works (smile). I'll get photos too. Now that we are having a Thanksgiving gathering, I wonder if I'm gonna have my Christmas tree up. The honest answer is NO.
I need to focus on Thanksgiving alone. Once the plates are washed and put away, I will work on Christmas. That will be a whole new post on itself. We plan on picking our own live Christmas tree, so I don't know how I can fit one more thing into my Thanksgiving prep schedule. Pray that the turkey will be moist and that the cranberry sauce will be delicious. Have an awesome holiday and enjoy this season!
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