Q: When are you due?
A: May 8, 2009
Q: Was this planned?
A: Yes, we really wanted this baby and we want others :)
Q: Have you been sick at all?
A: Not at all, glory be to God and thanks mom!
Q: Are you going to try and work when they come?
A: Still deciding... I know I'll keep working out LOL
Q: Do you have names?
A: Of course, not ready to publicize it tough.
Q: Boy or Girl?
A: Not sure yet, but either will be welcome to the crib.
Q: Are you scared?
A: God has not given me a spirit of fear. The same God who helped millions of women give birth before me will be with me as I go through this joyful season.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about being pregnant?
A: Having great expectations: knowing that my love for Zeke is eternal foreal, knowing that this child is an arrow that will go further than I ever will, getting another person to join our family. And we thought we had fun while it was just the two of us LOL.
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