
Monday, October 20, 2008

My niece came to visit us Saturday. We had a lot of fun. She gave Zeke and I a lot of insight into the world of a 1-year-old. It's totally different from what I have going on right now :) she pretty much taught us a lesson on how her world works. Her world is much simpler than mine. I dare to say the girl knows how to have fun. She even danced and sang a little bit, that was a lot of fun. I'll post my photos with her later. My brother and sister were the ones who brought her, of course.
Health Classes
So, I got information on Childbirth classes. I L-O-V-E taking any kind of health classes. They also offer child CPR, breastfeeding and new born classes at the hospital. I'm gonna 'take it all' LOL. Support is something much needed for this stage of life. It's a joyous stage and knowing that many have been through it successfully is very much comforting to me.
Dating my Husband
Oh, on Friday, we were going to the movies but we worked late so we decided to just go out to dinner with time in our hands. We went to an Indian restaurant (one of my favorites!) and we took our time to savor the food. I enjoyed it like I haven't enjoyed food in a while. Zeke loved it too. The funny thing about us is that each has its own favorite restaurant in town, so we went to mine ;) We went to a bookstore after that and read until I was falling asleep. That was such a great date! We're gonna wait til another week to go to the movies.
Eating Meat for Protein
Pregnancy has changed the way I eat. I was relying heavily on legumes for protein until they were causing me to be super bloated. I reintroduced some meats to my diet and that's been working for me. There are some restrictions on seafood during pregnancy so I'm not going there yet. I had a ball eating lamb again!!! I love a good piece of lamb. My friend from Gambia and my uncle taught me how to appreciate lamb. Good stuff!
Home Improvements
This week should be an exciting one. We officially have carpet (yes!), the house is so much more cozy! My husband has been sitting on the carpet for a whole week LOL. He's just happy. We're getting closer and closer to finishing up our remodeling. God is good. Have a great week!