Recebi esta tarefa da Lu Francesa com as seguintes regras:
I received this task from Lu Francesa with the following rules:
1º) Devemos fazer uma lista com 8 coisas que sonhamos fazer antes de morrer;
1) We have to make a list of 8 things we dream about doing before we die;
2º) Ao finalizar convidar 8 parceiros de blogs amigos;
2) After writing the list, invite 8 partners of friendly blogs;
3º) Deixar um comentário no blog de quem nos convidou;
3) Leave a comment in the blog of the person who invited us;
4º) Deixar um comentário no blog dos nossos convidados, para que saibam da intimação;
4) Leave a comment on the blog of the person we are inviting so they will know of the invitation;
5º) Mencionar as regras.
5) Mention the rules.
Vamos as minhas 8 coisas:
Here are my 8 things:
1: Ir ao mundo pregando o evangelho;
1: Go and teach the gospel of Jesus to all nations;
2: Falar italiano fluentemente;
2: Speak Italian fluently;
3: Visitar a Italia, o Japao e a Koreia do Sul;
3: Visit Italy, Japan and South Korea;
4: Ter varias empresas com meu marido;
4: Own several businesses with my husband;
5: Criar uma bolsa de estudos para estudantes internacionais na faculdade onde estudei.
5: Create a scholarship to international students in my alma matter.
6: Criar meus fillhos nos caminhos de Deus para que a vida deles possa influenciar milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro;
6: Raise up my children in God’s ways so that their lives will influence millions of people all over the world.
7: Participar de uma maratona;
7: Run a marathon;
8: Andar com Deus diariamente.
8: Walk with God daily.
Quero convidar as seguintes pessoas para fazer o mesmo: I’d like to invite the following bloggers to do the same: Simone, Lady, Sueli, Rachel, Roni, Su-Yin, Jenny Lee & Zeke.
I’d like to invite the following bloggers to do the same: Simone, Lady, Sueli, Rachel, Roni, Su-Yin, Jenny Lee & Zeke.
Goals for the Week:
* Train for 5K 3 times a week (1 more time to go. It was hard to get out of bed this morning but it was so worth it! I'm really enjoying running!);
* Attend Body Blasters 2 times this week;
* Walk on Saturday or simply swim;
* Treat myself with a visit to a friend (OK), a manicure and pedicure;
* Focus on protein and dairy intake;
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