The walks
The walks have been wonderful. Yesterday I was sooo bored! My girl friend couldn't come and walk with me so my husband went with me. So far I could find no one to walk in the a.m. with me. I started this morning. I was excited about it. I not only walked, I "prayerwalked." I told you all about it in a previous post. I found out that I can walk the whole course in 35 minutes. My soul thirsts for God so much that I could walk 4 times around and still pray the whole time. I've been praying for the summer, for different people who asked me for prayer and etc. I'm not stressed to lose the weight. I do want to get into the habit of getting in shape and start running so by the end of the summer I'll be ready for a 5K if I want to sign up for one. Please pray for me!
Oi Cíntia, tudo beleza!? Vou fazer de conta que entendi seu manda eu ser relapsa largar o curso de inglê é menina, os chazinhos já fazem parte da minha rotina, já me acostumei até com os sabores e sinto falta se não tomo.O de cidreira, se vc encontrar,pode ter certeza de que é muito bom pra acalmar, relaxar e enganar aÓtimo fim de semana pra vc...bjos
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