I got the best e-mail from a dear friend today. She said I need a lot of self-control, which is true and which even the blind can see. It's good to get encouragement. Sometimes it feels like I'm in it by myself - which I am in a sense of the process. She said "don't cheat, not even for a split of a second and see what happens." I will girl friend, I will! I've done well today, so far, thank God. When I joined my Bible study group I was eating all the goodies they had to offer :) I've been doing so well, thank God that I don't even have decaff coffee with lots of cream while I'm there. That's great news. My friend's e-mail really encouraged me to go on and do well today and every day. Encouragement is a blessing. We all should be more encouraged of others. I didn't get encouragement from everyone - don't expect the same thing now - but when I did, it was so good. I need to pray that God will more encouragers my way. I also realize that if I don't encourage myself no one will do it for me. I can do all things through Christ!
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