I'm feeling great about the diet. It's been a little more than a week but I feel good, I feel in control and I understand that I'm the one who is responsible for how much I weigh. This week we have significantly less parties and celebrations than last week - meaning zero parties this week. I have to go shopping soon. My plan is to stick with the veggies but I need some variety in my eating. What I ate this week is fine but I don't want to get bored. All I've had so far is veggies and meat or veggie soup. I'd have salads but I think they're so much work to bring to work... I still have black eyed peas so I'm gonna have to work on some kind of soup to make sure I use that up. I want to be encouraged to walk at least 5 times per week during the holiday season. I'll make that my goal. I'll keep eating normally, I'll stick with my small portions. No dessert for me, AT ALL would be a challenge I'm willing to take up. That will be the first holiday ever when I don't have dessert. Challenging but if I want to achieve my January goal I need to stick with it. I am taking my scale everywhere I go. Can't afford something LOL telling the the cold truth any time I need. Can I get a witness? Here's the log:
1 cup of cereal (Kashi good friends + Oats and more)
3 strawberries,1 banana
2 teaspoons of flax seed
Light Soy Milk
1 baked chicken thigh
1/2 cup of boiled veggies
1 small cup of apple cider
1 orange
1 cup of tea
1 baked chicken thigh
1/2 cup of boiled veggies
1 banana
Walk: 2.4 miles