Holiday season starts... NOW

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Last night's dinner was GREAT! My dessert tasted like it was burned but at least one of the ladies really enjoyed. Every day I give up on being a cook. I have to seek patience, without it you can't be a good cook. I don't know if I told you but I really enjoy Oprah. If you read her magazine this month you'll enjoy the 5 myths about Holidays article. I tell you a lot of them apply to me but for this blog we gotta focus on the food.

My holiday celebration started last night. Man! I love the Lord. Now, when you put church and food together... YOU GOT ME! I ate well, I only repent of eating dessert as well. O well... I have another cook out tonight, it will be hamburgers. I shouldn't eat the buns and do myself a favor. Not on Atkins but because of the feast of last night I should take it easy. I'm tempted by the whole wheat buns they have out there. We'll see...

I am trying to make up my mind right now about the holidays. I will stick with protein and veggies this year. I shouldn't have dessert unless my mom sends me some of her goodies or we get pannetone from somewhere. I have to join the joy but ealing like a pig won't make my holiday joyous at all. I plan on having normal means throughout the day as well. If I wait to eat once that day will be harmful to me.

I don't plan on taking my scale with me. That will be too stressful and the last thing I want is to be stressed. I'll let you know how everything goes. Where I come from we just celebrate Christmas and New Years. God bless America because we celebrate one extra holiday here, which is a great way to exercise a fruit of the Spirit: SELF-CONTROL.